This is a quick one - Curry Butternut Squash Soup w/ Dried cranberries
- 1 quart (or box) of Chicken Stock (LOW SALT!)
- 1 package of pre-chopped squash (yes, I know, lazy but whatever)
- 1 sweet onion
- 2 cloves of garlic
- Yellow curry powder
- Garlic powder
- Salt
and the secret ingredient... Greek yogurt. yes. you read that correctly. Greek yogurt. Read on!

Very quickly, grab a BIG pot. Pour in the chicken stock on medium, add the squash. Heat that stuff up!
Chop the onion and garlic up and saute till they are translucent. Add to the squash.
Add two or three tablespoons of curry - basically to taste. Stir. add sprinkle of garlic powder and salt to taste. Stir. Once everything is well heated and cooked, it's time to bring out the blender.
Blender - let me tell you about the blender. You may be surprised that I've got a blender - BUT the truth is, I called my mom. She brought me the blender. She wasn't using it. It's on loan. No. My uncle did not have a blender. Sucks for him.
Once the soup is well mixed - it's time to blend. Add the mixture to the blender and blend the crap out of it! You may need to mix it a few times - meaning in and out of the blender because it all won't fit at once. Once you're almost all blended... it's time for the yogurt! Add the yogurt and blend that sucker again!
Once it's all blended - time to serve! Top off this fab soup with dried cranberries. Love it!